Jun 16Liked by Stephanie B's This and That

Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. We have midgees here in Brisbane, Queensland.

I find if I get welts from bites I’m low in vit C, when I remedy that, I don’t notice their bites.

Stephanie, I have a couple of articles you may find of interest

How does salt restriction lead to heart dis-ease and fear based reactionary thinking?

I describe the link between dehydration or hyponatremia, same same, and the adrenals.

Hyponatremia is an emergency status. The adrenals run the show in emergencies. Deploying all the adrenocortical hormones not just aldosterone.

Chronic dehydration results in chronic adrenal control.

RAAS is switched off with salt.

Symptoms of low salt or dehydration need to be learnt so they can be remedied asap.

Eg a headache is not a signal to take a Panadol.

I assert chronic dehydration is the cause of dementia. Brains are extremely sensitive to dehydration. Women are taking up 70% of the dementia beds.

This is because women require more salt. Women are designed to carry and lose more fluid than men.

Hydration equals salt plus water. Water follows salt.

The salt restriction directives are responsible for the huge increase in chronic dis-ease.

Compare statistics from 1980 to 2023, many fold increases.

Think about diabetes.

Salt restriction, adrenal cortical hormones, increased cortisol levels increases blood glucose.

Think about chronic kidney dis-ease, aldosterone reverses the natural mode of kidney filtration, from removing excess salt to scavenger.

The salt sensitives have enlarged adrenals. Their hypertension without cause is easily explained by extra adrenal response to salt. Adrenals are not designed to be used chronically. A condition that salt restriction ensures. They have two choices: exhaustion or extra production via enlargement.

Infertility is also ensured with salt restriction. An emergency is no time for bringing children into being. The adrenals prevent conception.

The IVF industry has been built on salt restriction directives.

Food preservation prior to refrigeration used a lot of salt.

Salt aids digestion. HCl production requires salt. Low stomach acid causes heart burn. Food fermentation in the intestines causes gas to push open the valves as it ascends upwards, taking stomach acid with it.

And finally, I must update my article I recently learned

To restrict salt is an old colonial strategy used to induce dehydration, stress intolerance and compliance Eg harsh salt controls in India and the salt march of Gandhi.

I also have an article that logically dismisses the gaseous exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

We breathe air not oxygen.

Mammalian physiology is based on hydration NOT oxygenation.

Oxygen toxicity is due to its power to dehydrate. Oxygen is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill NOT for breathlessness. Palliative care is not kind.

The lungs are rehydrating the RBCs as they pass through the alveoli capillaries with salt water. An IV saline infusion does the same.

The red light monitoring is checking hydration NOT oxygenation.

Reactive oxygen species ROS describes damage due to dehydration.

I assert dehydration is the insult that creates dis-ease.

Get salty to reclaim and maintain health.

Read my articles by clicking on my blue icon.

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Thanks for your contribution.

It's interesting that you brought up vitamin C use for allergic symptoms. I have continued to accumulate mosquito and black fly bites as I went about doing landscaping work around my home. Today I took extra Vitamin C and indeed, the itching from the bites around my ears has abated, together with associated swollen lymph nodes!

I am a believer in the use of salt, and would tell people who suffer from high blood pressure to not restrict that as much as raise fluid intake, as well as re-evaluate whether they might be consuming too much protein. We in the US have emphasized "what's for dinner?" as the meat on the menu, when more vegetables and some fruit would be beneficial to so many. I will ass the caveat that too much sugary fruit for those vegetable-haters, can also increase blood pressure.

And too much salt does have its drawbacks as well, as more gastric cancer occurs in those on diets of salt-eserved meats and fish.

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Good to hear you have ease with vit C, it’s freshly squeezed version is probably more potent that tabs.

Raising fluids without salt won’t hydrate. The salt is the sponge if you see my analogy. Hyponatremia has killed athletes in Queensland, all the event drinks are salted now.

If the salt is not present to take the extra fluid, the kidneys pass it straight on out.

This is why in hot weather, drinking water doesn’t rehydrate anyone. They simply pee more. The secret that everyone used to know prior to the salt restriction directives, was salt plus water. Athletes took salt pills.

I tell my story of letting go of my fear of salt in my article, we breathe air not oxygen and finally feeling I could hydrate myself in the heat of a Brisbane summer.

I take a salted water bottle out on a hot day and no longer wilt in the heat.

Salt aids with both heat and cold tolerance.

If you look at babies they are super plump and hydrated.

Compare to them to oldies, hyponatremia or dehydration is a feature. Aging is completely related to our ability to combat hydration.

Women are more likely to be dehydrated because we lose fluid and carry fluid on our body. More salt is needed to maintain adequate fluid.

I hope you find time to read my three articles. They break a few paradigms and will give you new material to ponder.

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